Anand Karaj is one of the four primary ceremonies in the life of a Sikh as defined by the Sikh Rehat Maryada (Code of Conduct) of Akal Takhat. As our entire organization is governed by the Sikh rehat Maryada, we are obligated to inform you about the rules, and we will be honoured to host the ceremony if you agree to follow the rules of Anand Karaj.
Bheta – $750
This includes – Kirtan Bheta of $250 for resident ragi jatha.
– Use of Gurudwara facilities.
– Use of Steel Utensils (plates, glasses, spoons) for Langar.
Guru Ka Langar is a practice where volunteer GurSikhs prepare food to be shared with every visitor to the Gurudwara free of charge. The objective of this Seva is to provide food for those who cannot provide for themselves and to make sure everyone is treated with equal love and respect that we all deserve. At the time of the ceremony, regardless of whether you are using Kitchen or bringing food from outside, you have to pay above said Bheta.
Antim Ardas / Death related assembly (for Kirtan or paath) at WSSC or at home.
Bheta – Gurudwara Sahib does not mandate any Bheta from the family. However, there is an expense of around $250 which, if family desires can pay to WSSC. If you are using the kitchen to prepare langar, Gurdwara sahib expects another 250 $ for the kitchen service.
This includes
– Kirtan, Ardas etc. by resident Ragi Jatha & Granthi Sahib at the Funeral Home (if desired) and WSSC.
– Use of Gurudwara facility and kitchen.
– Use of Steel utensils (plates, glasses, spoons) for Langar.
Private Kirtan programs can be arranged between the family and Ragi Jatha with the permission of Gurudwara Management at WSSC
Private functions cannot be scheduled during Sundays and on already scheduled Gurudwara celebrations.
Bheta – $500
*All checks/payments to be made payable to WSSC only.
This includes
– Kirtan bheta ($250) for resident Ragi Jatha.
– Use of Gurudwara facility and kitchen.
– Use of Steel utensils (plates, glasses, spoons) for Langar.
Private Kirtan programs can be arranged between the family and Ragi Jatha with the permission of Gurudwara Management at WSSC
Private functions cannot be scheduled during Sundays and on already scheduled Gurudwara celebrations.
Bheta – $250
*All checks/payments to be made payable to WSSC only.
Private Sukhmani Sahib programs can be arranged between the family and Ragi Jatha with the permission of Gurudwara Management at WSSC.
Private functions cannot be scheduled during Sunday mornings and on already scheduled Gurudwara celebrations.
Bheta – $250
*All checks/payments to be made payable to WSSC only.
Sri Akhand Paath programs can be arranged between the family and Bhai Sahib with the permission of Gurudwara Management at WSSC.
Private programs cannot be scheduled during Sunday mornings and on already scheduled Gurudwara celebrations.
Akhand Paath & Sehaj Paath by WSSC Bhai Sahibs
Bheta –
*All checks/payments to be made payable to WSSC only.
Complete Sewa: $300
Again, if You are using the kitchen to prepare Langar then another $ 250 will be charged as kitchen expense.
– A Sum of 500 $ should be deposited to book any private function at Gurudwara Sahib, which will be refundable only on genuine cancellations or if management manages to get another program on that day.
– No Alcoholic Beverage/ intoxicants/ Tobacco is allowed in Gurdwara premises and parking lot.
– We expect from visitors that they follow traffic and parking rules while parking their vehicles in parking lots. Space designated for fire trucks or emergency vehicle all time should be free with no exceptions.
– Parking slots designated for Handicap can be used only by those who have a valid permit for the same. Permits should be displayed on the Dashboard.
– During Private functions, respect for Guru Granth Sahib should be maintained all the time. No loud talking or laughing loudly before or even after kirtan.
– Gurudwara Sewadars are for Gurghar only, they can not be asked to load or unload your trucks when you are bringing grocery to Gurudwara.
– After the program cleaning of Kitchen Langar hall and vacuum cleaning of Darbar Sahib Hall is Must. If the management finds utensils or Langar hall dirty after the function, the responsible party will be panelized with 100$.
– Any Amount Charged as Kitchen expense includes the use of utensils, Gas stoves, Dishwasher. May Have to buy Dishwasher detergents.
– Private Functions can be booked only on Weekdays and must be wrapped up before 6 PM as after that evening diwans starts at 6:30 pm.
– For Sunday Langar Sewa, usually from Sangat, sometimes one or few families take Sewa. Usually, people book this sewa for special occasions in their life like birthdays, anniversaries. For Sunday Langar Sewa Bheta is $ 250 plus $ for Giyani Jee. Sunday Langar Sewa cannot be considered as a private function, hence anybody can come and join the congregation and perform any sewa, regardless of whosoever has taken Langar Sewa.